But anyways...
Whether it be with my friends bumping in the car to get rich quick schemes, or by myself trying to figure out how to mend a broken heart, music will always be my passion and TRUE love.
To some people music is a constant sound, they hear it all as one. But if you can learn to disect songs and listen closely to the white noise that most people dont hear, you can enter a whole new universe. (I wish Icould pour my true feelings and words out, but they are so in depth about this topic that i can't catch up to myself. Anyways.. I'll keep trying as best as I can.)
If you jump outside of this Top 20 Hits and Billboard Top 100 era, you can find music that deepens you. Music that truly takes you over and that you can really relate to. There's nothing better than a song that you can connect with to the fullest. Every lyric is exactly how you see it, exactly how it is or was, and exactly what you wish you could say. The way you percieve life, and the way you see the world can so easily be reflected through your music decisions. Each song has its own idea, and for an musician to be able to tell a story using metaphors, similies, and many other vivid ear catching techniques is comparative to an artist simply letting his brush flow and ending up with a master piece. I bow down to every person out there who can play any musical instrument. To me, it's like a second voice. The things you wish you really could say but cant find the words to. Every second of every song is crafted to exactness in hope that you connect with the artist just like you would a favorite picture. Words could never explain the over coming feeling you get when a song changes your whole outlook and opens your eyes just enough for you to think twice. Has music ever brought tears to your eyes? Is there that one memory that you always go back to every time you hear THAT song? Can the sound bring back senses and remind you of the smell of the rain or the taste of her lips? If so, then music has hit you in a similar way it has me.
Growing up I was always attached to music. It ruled my life. Typically what you are listening to is based on whatever mood youre in, but I got to the point where it could also be the other way around. Depending on the feel of the song, my mood could change instantly.. There's not a person in the world that i won't tell to shut-up while a song has me at full ecstasy. Where I'm so into the actual movement that I can't fathom life outside of the lyrics pouring through my brain. Obviously everybody has the most love for what they enjoy the most, but I feel blessed that my love is towards something that most everybody can relate to. It's not about MY favorites or what other people think is good, It's about what you are pulled in to. It's about that one song that you have to play over and over because it's so.... real.
There's songs for love, and there are songs against it.
All I know is if it wasn't for a few specific artists and sounds, I would have never made it through some of the hardest struggles I've had to deal with. The mistakes I have made and the trials that have come with those choices have all been figured out through in depth thought brought from sound. A mixture of noise that blends so perfectly together that for one moment I can breathe. When you have a mind like mine that never stops clicking, music is the only thing that can settle you down and calm your nerves. I have also found that it can be the key to your depression.. You know the song will hurt you, you know the lyrics are real, and yet you listen to it again because you need something to make you feel what you once believed in. Every aspect of my life is based on this topic, and there won't be a day that you see me where I don't have my iPod and a set of headphones. That's why some call me "The Human Jukebox" (If you dont know, now you know. Oh yeah if you ever wanna duke it out and see who knows more songs hit me up! I'm unstoppable)What it all comes down to is this...
No matter what the situation, No matter what the circumstance, Music can change it all. You never know when youre going to need to hear THAT song again.. and if you're anything like me it can be at the most spontaneous times. Even if I feel down, and want to beat on myself... I just throw on a little depressing music and I feel... worthy? Deserving? Whatever you wanna call it.

Peace and Love
M.O.B.P.S. I honestly never thought I would miss Madrigals and A Capella this bad, but the fact of the matter is... I'm not the same when I don't sing. I'm in need of a desperate Jam Sesh soon or else I could be done for.
ReplyDeleteHave you thought about joining the church choir until you go to college and can get involved in music that way? :-)