Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let's Take A Shot..

I figured its only necessary that i speak of myself in my first blog ever.
On that note, let's begin...
The name as you well know is Tyler Brown. :] I'm 18 years old, pushing 19 soon. Graduated from Jordan High School last year. OhNine Baaby! Played football, and love to play all other sports in my spare time.
Now on to the good stuff.
If you already know me, you know that I'm filled with flaws. Although my flaws are very different from the average things you would think someone of my age and stature would have. And these flaws are also considered positive attributes to some. Love me or hate me I will always be the anxious, over thinking, often lecturing Tyler Brown. My infedelities have brought me to a new horizon within the last year and a half or so and since that one day, my life has flipped a whole 180. I've opened up to a whole new world and realized that life is about many different things. Most of which are not only things that I was never taught or brought up to believe, but its the exact opposite of those mannerisms. Life can twist and turn in so many different directions at once that you cant hold on and its easy to get lost, but its those never ending, aimless journeys that teach you the most. Life isn't about you being happy, or working towards a feeling of pleasure for yourself. It's about making the rest of the world happy. It's about pleasing the people around you so that contention is lost and the flow is not broken. It's about truly caring for every single person around you because at the end of the day they are just as much of a person as you are, and their problems are the biggest problems in the world to them. Just like yours are to you. And if you can truly master this art, your own happiness will soon come after.
Our whole generation has been based on success and how far you have come and how far you will go.
But theres the few of us who know the truths. We are young. We have forever to become a success, right now is about the trip. Because the sooner you reach your destination, the sooner the vacation ends. If the happiness you search for is found through luxury and success then please, be happy. It's better for all of us. All I know is I'll be searching longer and harder for a "success" that matters. And I'll realize what that something is when the time comes.
Plus, I'm gonna be rich. :]

Peace and Love

P.S. Thats my only picture. Sorry. Cuute tho riight? :]

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